Monthly Archive: September 2015

How to Teach Kitten to Use Litter Box 0

How to Teach Kitten to Use Litter Box


How to Teach Kitten to Use Litter Box Teaching a kitten to use litter box should not be a complex undertaking. They instinctively bury their feces to hide traces from greater predators. In nature,...

How to Treat Fight Wounds in Cats 0

How to Treat Fight Wounds in Cats


How to Treat Fight Wounds in Cats For indoor cats, cat fight is almost never an issue. However, for outdoor cats, whether neutered or not, cat fight is a regular part of their lives....

Cat Stereotypes 0

Cat Stereotypes


Cat Stereotypes Among all domestic animals, cats‘ specific nature has always puzzled humans, who often fail to understand it and grasp its essence. During history, people adored cats and assigned them divine qualities like...

Siberian Cats 0

Siberian Cats


Siberian Cats Siberian cats are one of the largest and the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. They originate from Siberia, and their roots can be traced about 1000 years back. With the...
