Cat Eye Infections


Cat Eye Infections

cat eye infections

cat eye infections

Cat eye infections are not that uncommon and you should know what you need to do about them. There are generally two types of infections, viral and bacterial. Here a veterinary surgeon gives some helpful advice.

“Dr. James T. Albert, DVM has some sound answers for these questions. Dr. Albert is a local veterinarian here in the Western New York area and a regular on AM Buffalo’s Pet Talk Tuesday, WKBW, on channel 7.”

“By far the most widespread infectious disease that affects your cats’ eyes is the Herpes virus. This virus is related to but not the same virus that occurs in people.

It is estimated that 90 percent of cats from shelters, catteries, and multiple households carry the virus for their lifetime. Most cats although carrying the virus are not outwardly affected, however there is a population of cats that when stressed suffer a viral outbreak.

Since this virus affects the eyes and oral cavity outbreaks are characterized by excessive eye tearing, and the pet may squint as the inflammation can be somewhat irritating.

Infrequently secondary bacterial infections occur which require antibiotics.”

“Your veterinarian can determine whether or not your pet needs an antibiotic. As we all know antibiotics do nothing to help a viral infection.

Although there is no cure for herpes virus infections, the amino acid L-Lysine has been shown to slow viral replication in the eye tissue, thereby helping to speed the recovery. L-Lysine is commercially available at health food and nutrition stores.

Sometimes patients with severe outbreaks require hospitalization. Fortunately this is rare.

Cats can and do get bacterial infections in the eye. Chlamydia is a bacteria that causes significant inflammation, pus and discomfort to young cats.”

“Sometimes newborn kittens don’t open their eyes right away. It can be so bad that the eyes actually are glued shut from the pus. Like herpes this disease only affects the eyes and respiratory tract of younger cats.

Luckily this condition is treated with antibacterial eye salve applied for a few weeks. When treated successfully cats clear the infection and are not considered persistent carriers like herpes.”

““Like any other organ the eye is susceptible to traumatic injury. Ulcers in the cornea, the clear part of the eye, occur with trauma, infection, ingrown eyelashes. These are very difficult to see but can be severe enough to cause loss of the eye.”


If you suspect cat eye infections you should take your cat to the vet as soon as possible as there is little margin for error and cat eye infections can be very painful. The type of eye infection your cat has determines the type of treatment that is required to cure the infection. Cat owners should be aware of the symptoms of eye infection and take their cat to a veterinary surgeon to rule out potentially dangerous eye infections and illnesses that could lead to blindness.


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