Most cats aren’t generally expressive if they are sick. Unlike dogs cats will play the “keep guessing” game with you to guess their problem. Taking care of your cat could be made easy if you take these simple but necessary steps for your cat’s best health.
Vomiting is one of the most common issues that you will find your cat with. Usually it’s not such a serious condition. Most cats induce vomiting to expel their hairballs due to their long thick fur grooming.
If this is a recurrent occurrence then take the grooming matters in your hands! Trim and brush the fur regularly to avoid this from happening. This type of vomiting shouldn’t cause lethargy, decreased food and water intake or any evident behavioral changes.
Other reasons for vomiting could be infections, cold food, fevers or some medicinal side effects. Vomiting caused by these conditions could get serious and cause serious dehydration if not promptly treated.
Signs of dehydration include decreased fluid and food intake, decreased urination (you would need to frequently check the litter box for that) and not willing to play or run around. If these signs and symptoms are positive then take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.
If your cat is creating issues over food then try warming it up in the microwave. Be careful not to overheat it as loss of moisture would cause the cat to reject the food. Slight heat will do wonders to your cat’s appetite.
Other ways to take care of your cat contain checking its fur regularly for fleas. Signs for fleas and ticks include frequent itching (your cat is actually itching 24/7 in this case), irritation and flea dust in cat’s ears, tail or other parts of the fur. Get a flea collar or flea shampoo/spray/powder to get rid of fleas.
Taking care of your cat also includes its deworming schedule. Worm infestations are very common for cats and it’s very important to go for deworming once in three months to avoid them passing to you. Signs for worm infestations include weight loss but increased appetite, coloration of the sclera and small worms in cat’s feces.
Usually a cat hides around if its paw is injured or if it’s in pain. Check for such a sign and give its body a good check starting from its mouth to genital areas. Such conditions are usually ignored by cat keepers and if not caught in time, these conditions could get infected and your cat’s life could be in jeopardy.
Cats deserve our care and love. Follow these tips and taking care of your cat would never be a hassle again.