Obesity Has Become a Serious Health Concern In Cats


Obesity has become a serious health concern in cats writes Evelyn Vega. This is something that I have written about many times before. Obesity can lead to cat diabetes, joint disease and other problems.

It would seem that even though the number of pet cats has increased and now outnumbers pet dogs, the number of veterinary visits has decreased and as cats are so good at hiding illnesses, it usually measn that by the time the illness is discovered it is already at an advanced stage.

“Obesity which increases the risk of the cat developing diabetes mellitus, joint disease and other problems, has become a serious health concern in cats.

At age 7, cats are considered senior individuals and need to be seen by the vet more often; ideally, twice a year, to check for certain geriatric conditions such as hyperthyroidism or kidney disease, which can shorten the cat’s life if not treated — thus making prevention and early detection especially important.

In addition to ensuring kitty receives routine veterinary care, the American Association of Feline Practitioners has put together the following list of 10 subtle signs of sickness that mean your cat needs to be seen by the veterinarian:

Inappropriate elimination behavior (urinating or defecating outside the litter box); changes in interaction, changes in grooming, changes in activity, changes in sleeping habits, changes in vocalization, changes in food and water consumption, unexplained weight loss or gain, signs of stress or bad breath.

Since cats will do everything they can to hide their illnesses, you may not notice any signs until they have reached an advanced stage.

Therefore, prevention is the preferable treatment option, and this can only be accomplished with regular annual or semi-annual wellness visits.

Catching a problem early can not only spare your cat from suffering, but in the long run, save you some money, as well.

To make the vet trip as enjoyable for cats as it is for dogs, try making the carrier more comfortable and cozy with blankets, favorite toys or an article of clothing belonging to your cat’s favorite person; which helps a kitty feel more secure.

Several days before the appointment, leave the carrier out and open, and place food and treats in the carrier. Spray a synthetic feline pheromone or put catnip or other botanical blends in the carrier to help make your cat feel calm and secure.

Once kitty is comfortable with the carrier, take him or her for a few short car rides, always making it a positive experience.

If all else fails and your feline friend still stresses, then have the veterinarian come to your cat in the comfort and security of your home.”

There is some great advice at the end of the article. For cats the visit to the vets can be an extremely stressful experience and indeed cats can be wrongly diagnosed with cat diabetes because they have high blood glucose levels due to stress and not cat diabetes.

Obesity has become a serious heath concern in cats because owners are giving them the same western lifestyle that is causing obesity in human beings. In other words a poor and a complete lack of exercise.

1 Response

  1. July 11, 2012

    […] few weeks ago we featured Meow an overweight cat that had been brought into an animal sanctuary because its owner could no longer […]

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