Blood Disorders in Cats


Blood Disorders in Cats

Blood disorders in cats happen to some cats at some point in their lives and this is why it is important that you take your cat to the veterinarian to ensure that he is healthy overall. Cats who have kidney disease are at risk of getting acidosis in their blood, and this means that there is excess acid in the cat’s blood. Another type of blood disorders in cats is anemia and this is an illness where a cat’s red blood cell count decreases. Thrombocytopenia is a blood disorder where the cat’s blood does not make adequate plateles and if the cat hurts himself in an injury, the bleeding could lead to death.

 Disorders That Affect White Blood Cells in Cats

 One of several blood disorders in cats that affect the white blood cells is leukemia and this happens when the white blood cells mutate and the mutation may be because of radiation exposure, genetics or exposure to toxins in the air. Symptoms of leukemia in cats include loss of apetite, lack of energy and becoming easily prone to viruses and other respiratory illnesses. There is another type of leukemia in cats called viral leukemia and this comes from germs that the cat receives which lead to infections.


Diabetes and Cats

 Like humans, cats can develop diabetes and this is because of too much glucose in the cat’s blood. Obesity is a major reason why some cats are at risk of getting diabetes and if your cat is obese, talk with his veterinarian about putting the cat on a special diet so that he will reduce his chances. If your cat is urinating more than usual, then he could have diabetes and weight loss is sometimes a sign of diabetes. The best treatment will be designed to regulate your cat’s blood sugar levels and sometimes the veterinarian will give injections of insulin to the cat.

Why Is My Cat’s Rectum Bleeding?

 One main reason why your cat’s rectum is bleeding is because of an injury to the rectum while some cats experience rectal bleeding because of polyps in his rectum. If your cat has a history of blood clots, this could cause rectal bleeding and potentially more severe consequences. You want to bring him to the doctor immediately so that he can get treated. If your cat tasted rat poison, this leads to a bleeding in the rectum.


 Blood disorders in cats should not be ignored because if left untreated, the cat could die from them. Regular checkups are essential in preventing blood disorders and they are important in eliminating them. Once your cat is treated for the disorder, take precautionary steps to keep the disorder from occurring again using the suggestions that the veterinarian gave yo



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