Cats and Christmas Tree


Cats and Christmas Tree


We all know that cats and the Christmas tree are not a good combination. Usually, it does not end well – neither for cats nor the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree with all the glittering decoration is a great temptation for every cat. If we want to avoid potential injuries and troubles, it would be wise to consider the size and type of the tree. The artificial Christmas tree is much safer than the natural one. Regarding its size, the small Christmas tree brings lesser trouble to a cat. The most important thing that can help to keep the cat far away from the Christmas tree is its placement. The best possible place is the farthest, peaceful corner, unobtainable from the everyday noise and movement. Feline experts also recommend ensuring that space around the tree is as clear as possible, and far away from furniture. This will prevent the cat from jumping on the tree and causing damage. To find out more about how to keep cats safe around the Christmas tree, the article “A Cat Proof Christmas Tree: It Is Possible!” offers the following tips.

Cats and Christmas Tree

• Helpful Textures: To keep your cat from walking under the tree (and considering climbing up), put unpleasant textures on the tree skirt. Cats hate the feeling
of walking on aluminum foil, pine cones, sticky surfaces (like double sided tape), or non-slip rug bumps (bumps-up).

• Not a Water Bowl: If your Christmas tree will be sitting in water, cover the water with a tree skirt.

• Up High: Avoid putting ornaments low on the tree, and limit glass or breakable ones, so that your cat won’t be tempted or accidentally knock them off. Keep
your heirloom ornaments near the top and well secured with hooks or fishing line.

• Protect from Shock: Cats may chew on electrical cords if they can reach them so keep them covered with plastic or cardboard tubes, start them higher on the
tree, and unplug them when not in use.

• No Tinsel: Since tinsel can severely damage a cat’s digestive system, avoid using it on your tree.

• No Dangerous Plants: Skip the holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias, since these are poisonous to cats.

Feline experts also suggest being careful with electrical cords and lights. Cats often find them interesting and will chase them like every other toy. If we want to prevent the cats from injuries, the cords should be hidden and bent inside the tree. The safest option is to turn all the lights off whenever the adults leave the room. Candles are the even greater temptation for cats than electrical cords. Even though they do not attract cats like electrical cords, one false move can make a huge danger, not only for the cat and tree but also for the whole family. If we want to spend peaceful and enjoyable Christmas holidays, all our decoration should be carefully reconsidered and arranged in the simplest and safest way.

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