Diabetes Mellitus In Cats and Natural Solutions


G’day Madeline innocent here. Diabetes
mellitus in cats or diabetes in cats asit is more commonly referred to, is a
growing problem. Just as with everyfeline disease, diabetes is becoming more
and more prevalent. There’s no veterinary cure in sight. This
is curious when you consider all thebillions spent on veterinary research
over the recent years. Is this researchyielding anything?
Could it be going in the wrong direction?I believe it is. Research is very
expensive and the only bodies that havethe resources to finance such expensive
work are the drug companies. Obviously theyonly want one outcome – to sell more drugs.
Now if you go in a completely differentdirection you can get amazing results.
But this direction is financial suicideto the big corporations. Wonderful for
you and your cat though. Let’s look atwhat this is. The epigenetic principle
considers all health problems to becaused by the environment as about 80% with a genetic cause rated muchlower at about 20%. The aspects of
the environment, that 80%includes factors such as diet, toxin
overload, stress and past injuries thathave left a mark. The minor aspect of the
genetic inheritance at 20% maygive a predisposition to a particular
ailment but that can easily be keptat a dormant or latest or latent stage with
good husbandry. Diabetes mellitus in catsis entirely a man-made problem. The diet
most people feed their cats is totallyinappropriate for them and it’s the
cause of many serious diseases. There’sno way around this. Put the wrong fuel in
your car and it won’t work. That’s wherethe expression” the West has never been
so well fed and so poorly nourished”comes from. You get an identical reaction
in cats and everybody else, but the timefactor is a good bit longer than a car
as every living being has the innateability to try to remain healthy. So it
normally takes years to develop to aserious condition, although it’s now
occurring at younger and youngerages. Add toxins to this low-quality
nutritional diet and you get a very sickcat. Where do the toxins come from, you may
ask? Now they’re everywhere but thereally serious ones are those found in
food and
veterinary drugs. Drugs are all chemicalsdesigned to suppress the cat’s natural
symptoms. As a holistic healthpractitioner I see great results. I’m
talking here about total reversal of theproblem when people fully engage with
the process of feeding according to thespecies and are committed to an a
holistic health care system such ashomeopathy. Diabetes mellitus in cats can
be fully reversed but this dependsentirely on how committed you are. For
more information go to www. NaturalCatHealth. com/diabetes

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